The truth about teenagers and how they’re learning from the Internet


We recently did a survey and asked a group of 12-18 year olds about how they use the Internet to support their learning.

Of the 83 who responded,  92.11%  said that they used the Internet for learning at least once a week: nothing unexpected there.

The interesting bit came when we asked them about the sites they’re using. We’d assumed that they’d be using a whole range of sites to suit their varying styles of learning and needs. Wrong!

Those who responded said they used a very small range of sites – just 11 in total, with the most used being Wikipedia (31.81%) Google (20.45%) BBC (13.63%) and My Maths (13.63%).

We thought that was a real shame. They’re missing out on so much good stuff and really not making the most of what the Internet has to offer for learning.

That’s when we decided to do something about it – and created Rockfig.

So if you know of any teenagers who could do with learning from a much broader range of resources from across the web, and  would like to save time trying to find the right ones, please let them know about Rockfig.



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